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Boyd Dental Associates Blog

How Much Do Dentures Cost?

August 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — asprosandboyd @ 1:58 am

Calculator on stack of cashIf you’ve lost several or all of your teeth over the years, or they are beyond repair, dentures can complete your smile. However, you’ve probably heard they are expensive, but that’s untrue. There’s not a flat fee for a new set of teeth because various factors affect the amount you’ll pay. As a result, you have options to keep dentures within your budget. You can replace your missing teeth, even if money is tight. Here are 4 things that will affect the cost of dentures when budgeting for your new smile. 


6 Tips to Sleep with a Toothache

February 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — asprosandboyd @ 4:20 am
person with toothache sleeping peacefully at night

Toothaches can be caused by a range of issues. From cavities to infections, it’s difficult to know what the issue is without visiting your dentist. Unfortunately, having a painful tooth can make it nearly impossible to sleep through the night. Many people find it difficult to concentrate on anything other than the discomfort. To help you get some rest until your dentist can get to the bottom of things, here’s why toothaches tend to feel worse at night and what you can do to lessen discomfort.


3 Professions Where Invisalign Can Benefit You

November 9, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — asprosandboyd @ 3:21 am
woman speaking with dentist about Invisalign benefits in Tallahassee

In the past, if you were interested in straightening your teeth and achieving a more uniform smile, traditional braces were the treatment of choice. Once Invisalign was introduced in 1997, this gave people a way of straightening their smiles without the need for wires and brackets. Though Invisalign can benefit a range of people, there are a few professions that can reap the benefits of clear aligners the most. Read on to learn three careers where people may benefit from clear aligners.


How Much Does Scaling and Root Planing Cost?

September 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — asprosandboyd @ 10:27 pm
closeup of dental deep cleaning

Sometimes, periodontal (gum) disease can’t be controlled with dental cleanings alone. That’s where scaling and root planing comes in. It’s often necessary to remove disease-causing bacteria and allow the gums a chance to heal. If your dentist recommended this treatment, you may have questions about how much it’ll cost. To help you out, we’ll explain why you need it, and which factors can affect the cost of scaling and root planing in Tallahassee. Continue reading to learn more!


The Relationship Between Gum Disease and Diabetes

August 9, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — asprosandboyd @ 6:03 pm
doctor checking blood sugar levels

Proper dental care and a healthy lifestyle are essential to maintain good oral health. However, if you have diabetes, it’s especially important for you to take good care of your teeth and gums. Your chances of developing gum disease are significantly higher, which is why you must work a bit harder to prevent it. Are you unsure how the two are related? Read along as your dentist in Tallahassee discusses the relationship between gum disease and diabetes.


The BOTOX Boom: Why Are People Getting More BOTOX During the Pandemic?

April 23, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — asprosandboyd @ 3:57 pm
a dentist holding a vial of botulinum toxin (BOTOX)

Between the threat of COVID-19, businesses shutting down, and people being cooped-up in their homes, some people are having a hard time squeezing joy and positivity out of a stress-filled year. Even in the midst of all of the chaos, countless people have found ways to make lemonade out of lemons. The demand for plastic surgery-related treatments like BOTOX have increased tenfold, helping dentists everywhere who offer this specialty cosmetic service keep their doors open, all while giving their patients a little serotonin with a confidence-boost. Read on to find out why the pandemic has led to a massive BOTOX boom, according to several dentists and cosmetic specialists.


Celebrities Have Dental Implants Too!

March 11, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — asprosandboyd @ 10:17 pm
dentist pointing at a diagram of dental implants

If you’ve ever lived with one or more missing teeth, then you know it can rob your life of enjoyment. Thankfully, advancements in dental technology over the last five decades have brought an extremely effective and naturally acting replacement option – dental implants! You might associate tooth loss with a more mature crowd or a certain type of demographic, but the truth is that it is no respecter of persons, and you may be surprised to learn that many celebrities have dental implants!


Discover Why Your Child Should See a Dentist by the Time They Turn One

February 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — asprosandboyd @ 4:21 pm
a dentist holding a toothbrush and smiling while a father holds his baby and helps her brush her teeth

Do you know why the American Dental Association and your local children’s dentist in Tallahassee recommend scheduling your child’s first dental appointment by the time they reach the age of one? It may seem a bit early to start this oral hygiene journey, but the truth is that even before their first tooth erupts, bacteria can develop on gums and put your little one at risk for potential oral health problems. Read on to find out you and your one-year-old will benefit from this early visit.  


Will Dental Implants Give My Face a Lift?

January 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — asprosandboyd @ 10:01 pm

Older woman with dental implants in Tallahassee.Your teeth are important for more than just a beautiful smile. They also provide your facial tissues with support. Despite the latest advancements in dentistry, at least 120 million Americans have one or more missing teeth. With each tooth you lose, the density in your jawbone also decreases, which can make you look older than your real age. Thankfully, you can turn back the clock with dental implants in Tallahassee. Not only will you complete your smile, but you’ll also give your face a lift without cosmetic surgery.


Implants Vs. Dentures: How to Prevent Bone Loss

November 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — asprosandboyd @ 10:29 pm
Woman smiles with dental implants and jaw preservation

Are you missing teeth? If so, you’re not alone. According to the American College of Prosthodontists, nearly 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth and about 30% of adults between the ages of 65-74 have no natural teeth. Thanks to modern dental technology and techniques, there are a wide variety of ways to regain a complete set of pearly whites. However, only one option can restore your smile’s appearance and function while preventing jawbone loss. Here’s what you need to know about dentures and implants in Tallahassee when it comes to jawbone preservation.   

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