Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings Tallahassee

Six Month Dental Exams for Healthy, Happy Smiles

When it comes to your teeth, taking care of them doesn’t have to be complicated. First, you need to brush and floss at home… this is something you’ve probably heard since you were a small child. In addition to this, you should also get routine checkups and cleanings every six months. The question is, if you’re taking care of your teeth adequately at home, why do you need a professional cleaning? What are they looking for during the dental checkup? We’re more than happy to answer these questions! Keep reading and give us a call today to schedule your next appointment for a dental checkup and teeth cleaning in Tallahassee.

Why Choose Boyd & Walther Tallahassee Dental Associates for Dental Checkups & Cleanings?

  • Welcoming Patients of All Ages & Family-Friendly
  • We Accept & Maximize Dental Insurance
  • Focus on Educating Patients on Oral Health

Why Are Routine Dental Checkups & Cleanings Important?

Man smiling at his dentist during a dental checkup in Tallahassee

Teeth are actually very complicated structures and have numerous small, hard to reach crevices where food particles and bacteria like to gather. This is especially true when talking about the back teeth, and this is why many people tend to get cavities in them. Even if you brush twice a day, you simply aren’t able to reach those areas. Plus, it’s easy to let your mind wander while you brush, making it easy to miss large areas in the mouth.

Professional checkups and cleanings help fill the gaps and fortify your oral health by providing you with reliable and knowledgeable insight into your dental habits and health. As such, our team at Boyd & Walther Tallahassee Dental Associates are able to help you save money by spotting the early signs of common dental issues and treating them before they have an opportunity to become worse.

What to Expect at Your Teeth Cleaning

Dental patient getting a professional teeth cleaning

A dental cleaning fills in these gaps in your home routine. It allows a member of our skilled team to clean your teeth in a way you simply can’t at home. Specialized tools and training enable them to spot those hidden areas where plaque tends to gather and save you from having to get a cavity treated in the future.

What to Expect at Your Dental Exam

Woman receiving a dental exam

After a cleaning, Dr. Boyd or Dr. Walther will examine your mouth for small issues like tooth decay and gum disease as well as potentially big problems like oral cancer. These twice-yearly exams are an essential part of maintaining optimum oral health over the long term. The doctors spot areas of concern while they are small and easy to treat, which will save you time, money and discomfort in the future.

When was the last time you had a checkup and cleaning? If it’s been 6 months or longer, don’t hesitate to contact our Tallahassee dental office today so we can give you a smile you don’t have to worry about.